Crusts, crumbs, and corn. Half the world envies the German-speaking countries for their bread. Rightly so. Or what do you miss most after an extended vacation abroad? Exactly. Equipping the long-established bread company, Fischer Brot in Linz, with our control systems was the perfect blend of cultural contribution and an appetizing assignment for VIPA.
The dough rises, the operation is running, and time is racing.
The VIPA project team appreciated the challenge of preserving this culture while also adapting it to large production quantities. It was a question of meeting the requirements of the International Food Standards, ensuring storage and logistics, and optimizing the times of each step. Between a single piece of dough rising and a sweet-smelling Hubertus bread lies a complex sequence of kneading, resting, and processing. Even half-baked solutions are sometimes necessary. To produce good, ready-to-bake bread rolls, the computing power of the tried and tested SPEED7 CPUs is required.
VIPA doesn’t let the butter be taken from the bread.
The order was initially for automating the monitoring of the cold storage in the new Markgrafneusiedl plant. But the performance of the team and the reliability of the system soon convinced Fischer Brot to entrust VIPA with the control technology for the entire product. The performance of the team and the reliability of the system quickly convinced Fischer Brot to entrust VIPA with the control technology for the whole production. For us, of course, it was a piece of cake.
The quality speaks for itself, and the customer for us:
"The SPEED7 devices run without problems, the cycle times are amazing, the compatibility with the "Siemens-World" is perfect. I honestly cannot think of a better solution at the moment. I'm very satisfied with the manufacturer VIPA, both with their products and with their customer service."
- Ing. Andreas Ortler, Leiter Technik und EDV bei Fischer Brot